Julius C. Poston is Founder and CEO of Stalwart Green Global International. With 30+ years of experience in the building/development arena—underscored with numerous recognitions and certifications, Poston first began building homes with energy efficient design in the late 90’s, operating under the company name Certified Living Homes. He has designed and built successful projects in diversified fields. Setting out to fulfill a dream to build homes the way they should be built: healthy—solid—safe, but additionally energy efficient, and environmentally conscious, Poston forged ahead, always ensuring his company stayed in the forefront of green building techniques. This passion culminated in the formation of StalwartBuilt Homes, a systems integration company, in 2004. Challenging widely accepted building techniques and development standards, Stalwart’s research and development focuses on the performance analysis of a building and its sub-systems to develop a better performing product. Stalwart provides to the global markets sustainable, energy efficient building solutions for New Towns, Master Planned Developments, redevelopment for inner cities, water, wastewater, waste energy, Energy, infrastructure and more.
With the formation of the Green Building Science Institute (GBSI), and Stalwart Green Global International (SGG), Poston remains dedicated to achieving new milestones, including deep greening an entire city. Launching the GBSI Targeted Community Solutions (TCS) Program, Poston continues to not only set the bar for high-performance building science, but to also provide education, training and jobs creation. He enjoys lecturing around the world on high-performance building standards, and finance.
After the 2008 crash Poston established alternative means of finance and began funding Joint venture projects globally including Energy, Water, infrastructure, mixed use, manufacturing and other global projects.